Purchasing Partnerships

Following the challenges of sourcing and purchasing mission-critical supplies during COVID-19, GDAHA relaunched the Southwest Ohio Health Care Affiliates (SOHCA) and expanded our strategic purchasing partnerships to support our member hospitals and partners in the healthcare continuum.

Our strategic purchasing partnerships are unique relationships established with the goal of improving healthcare operations in the Dayton region through cost reductions and operational efficiency. Strategic purchasing partners are often large-scale national vendors that provide services unique to the hospital and healthcare sector that are not available through relationships in our 11-county service area.

Connecting Local Vendors to Local Clients

Through SOHCA, we develop relationships with regional businesses, service providers, and vendors to create new pipelines that can support healthcare operations. Our vision of this new regional pipeline provides meaningful relationships with businesses, service providers, and vendors that can help reduce the cost of healthcare operations, thereby reducing the cost to provide care in the Dayton region. The power of purchasing within the Dayton region allows hospitals and healthcare partners to invest in our local economy.