Phone: 937.424.2364


Mary Porter, RN, BSN, CHEP is the West Central Ohio Regional Healthcare Coordinator. She helps to coordinate regional hospital preparedness and planning, partnerships with public health departments, public safety organizations (police, fire, EMA, EMS) and coordination with other regional healthcare coalitions across the state as well as the Ohio Department of Health. She sits on local, regional, and state committees related to preparedness planning. Additionally, Mary is the staff liaison for the Infection Control, Workplace Violence, Nurse Executive, and Nurse Educator Committees.

Mary has been with us since 2017. Her earlier work experience includes working for Premier Health, as Safety Officer, and Emergency Planner as well as an Emergency Department Nurse and leader. Mary earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Wright State University.

Mary lives in Xenia, surrounded by a large extended family and Jamison her Maltese. Mary enjoys teaching, singing, sewing, and reading.