The Leadership Council consists of representatives from member hospitals and partner organizations in the continued development and implementation of Decide to Be Heard, the region’s advanced care planning initiative.
Staff Contact:
Lisa Henderson
The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Committee consists of CFOs from our member hospitals and health systems. In 2023, CFOs will convene to discuss the hospital and community impact of the patients rolling off Medicaid due to the expiring COVID-19 Public Health Emergency and relationships with county Job & Family Service Agencies in GDAHA’s 11-county region.
Staff Contact:
Marty Larson
The Chief Information Officer (CIO) Committee consists of the hospital and health system CIOs. In preparation for organizations transitioning to CliniSync and their health information exchange services, GDAHA will reconvene CIOs to ensure seamless transitions and coordination with hospitals and partners throughout the care continuum. We will also discuss opportunities to share non-competitive information technology solutions that could benefit the member hospitals and community.
Staff Contact:
Marty Larson
GDAHA convenes the chairpersons of all committees each year to review GDAHA’s strategic plan and discuss alignment with committee initiatives and activities. Committees are encouraged to send the vice chair in the event a leadership transition is expected in the coming year.
Staff Contact:
Sarah Hackenbracht
The Community Health Committee consists of the community health leaders from each member organization. Participants collaborate on the regional Community Health Needs Assessment and work together on shared goals for community health improvement plans and community partnerships.
Staff Contact:
Lisa Henderson
The EMS Coordinators convene twice a year. This group collaborates and shares information from the following committees: Communication, Regional Physician Advisory Board, GMVEMS Council’s Education, QAQI, Standing Orders, Drug Bag Committee, and the West Central Ohio Regional Healthcare Preparedness Coalition.
Staff Contact:
Mary Porter
GDAHA convenes the ethics leadership from member hospitals and other stakeholders/subject matter experts to discuss relevant topics and determine opportunities for alignment in guidelines across the region.
Staff Contact:
Lisa Henderson
GDAHA’s Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees oversees the governance and fiduciary responsibilities of the Board of Trustees, monitors implementation of the strategic plan, and provides guidance and input to the President & CEO. Members include the Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and Immediate Past Chair.
Staff Contact:
Sarah Hackenbracht
The Health Information Management Committee meets bi-monthly to discuss medical record management issues throughout our hospitals including The Joint Commission, Electronic Medical Records (EMR), and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Additionally, other agenda items are added as requested by the committee members. Committee membership includes director and management level staff of all member hospitals. Bi-monthly meetings occur on the second Wednesday of the month at 8:30 a.m during the months of January, March, May, September and November.
Staff Contact:
Lisa Rindler
The committee aims is to support a more seamless transition from school-to-work for young people by providing critical industry-informed input on work-based learning, in-demand credentials, and classroom experiences for young people interested in pursuing healthcare careers. Education and healthcare partners develop strategies to accelerate opportunities for all young people to enter and advance within healthcare.
Staff Contact:
Lisa Rindler
The HR Directors Committee meets bi-monthly to discuss pressing staffing issues in a roundtable forum including workforce development initiatives, recruitment, and retention, long-range planning, employee development, and wellness activities. Additionally, this committee oversees the annual HR surveys for benefits, compensation, and job vacancies.
Staff Contact:
Lisa Rindler
The Infection Control Committee meets monthly. Infection control and prevention practitioners from area hospitals and local health department epidemiologists discuss various topics, including best practices, legislative and regulatory decisions, and educational programs. Participants also provide input regarding domestic preparedness issues regarding pandemics, flu, and bioterrorism.
Staff Contact:
Mary Porter
The Montgomery County Behavioral Health Taskforce convened in January 2023 in response to the increase of mental health, and substance abuse challenges impacting the region’s hospitals and at the request of our Montgomery County Board of Commission. Invited participants will meet to develop solutions and recommendations that will be presented to the Board of County Commission in September 2023.
Staff Contact:
Sarah Hackenbracht
The Nurse Executives Committee meets monthly and includes the Chief Nurse Officers, Clinical Care Officers, Vice Presidents, and others that oversee nursing care in our member hospitals. The group discusses workforce issues, practice protocols, current legislation, and other issues. The Nurse Executive Committee has expanded its membership to include many of the local nursing schools. This valuable partnership helps to address workforce issues and practice protocols.
Staff Contact:
Mary Porter
The Nurse Educators meet regularly and are a Nurse Executive subcommittee. This team of educators for the hospitals are joined by the Nursing Schools. They discuss topics concerning students in the hospital setting. This team annually reviews the Clinical Passport Document, which has been revised to meet the needs of nursing and other disciplines completing clinicals at the area hospitals.
Staff Contact:
Mary Porter
The Advisory Board meets quarterly to review HUB data (enrollment, outcomes, trends, etc.). The board advises on strategies as proposed by our HUB Director, staff, and researcher. They also provide connections and insight to other regional programs for potential referrals, partnerships, and connections.”
Staff Contact:
Katie Gainey-West
The Public Affairs Committee consists of the lead public affairs officer from each member organization. Participants develop coordinated messages and materials in partnership with GDAHA to present a united voice to our community. Committee members also provide updates on organization-specific communications and interactions with the media.
Staff Contact:
Lisa Henderson & Sarah Hackenbracht &
The Purchasing & Sourcing Committee meets regularly and includes the procurement and sourcing representatives from member hospitals. They obtain services and supplies that will be used for the organization’s day-to-day activities and share supply channels to assist the region. Currently, much of their collaboration is accomplished through email and phone calls to address immediate supply chain challenges and share resources.
Staff Contact:
Ron Mayse & Mary Porter &
GDAHA’s Quality & Cost Council has been revamped to compare regionally selected metrics to public state and national quality data as well as historical performance within the region. By analyzing emerging quality issues and developing targeted and measurable quality improvement studies, member hospitals will continue to demonstrate their shared commitment to high quality care in the Dayton region.
Staff Contact:
Lisa Rindler & Lisa Henderson
GDAHA convenes social work leaders from member hospitals to discuss relevant topics and determine opportunities for collaboration, as well as sharing relevant resources.
Staff Contact:
Lisa Henderson
The SORTS Committee enhances the quality of the region’s trauma system by tracking trauma cases, analyzing Ohio trauma data, and reviewing select cases for performance improvement purposes. SORTS fulfills the state requirement to submit data to the Ohio Trauma Registry each quarter and is evaluating opportunities for further collaboration.
Staff Contact:
Lisa Rindler
West Central Ohio Regional Healthcare Preparedness Coalition works with hospitals, public health agencies, emergency management agencies, first responders, and other community partners within the West Central Ohio region to improve emergency preparedness and our responses to natural and manmade disasters. This Coalition fulfills the requirements of the Ohio Department of Health and the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) grant-related activities for our region.
Staff Contact:
Lisa Rindler & Mary Porter &
The Communications Subcommittee meets every other month before the WCO Regional Healthcare Preparedness Coalition. This committee is responsible for updating the Communication Plan, which includes comprehensive communications strategies, including notifications, situation reports (SitReps), data sharing, and the provision of timely and appropriate information flow.
Staff Contact:
Lisa Rindler & Mary Porter &
The Workplace Violence Subcommittee meets quarterly and includes hospital leaders from emergency departments, hospital security, education departments, Dayton MMRS and EMS departments. In 2021, the subcommittee conducted a workplace violence survey and continues to use the learnings from this survey to create goals, develop strategies to prevent, mitigate and propose action to create safe work/care environments that protect and empower staff.
Staff Contact:
Lisa Rindler & Mary Porter &