Help Me Grow Brighter Futures is the Help Me Grow service agency and Central Intake serving thirteen counties in Ohio. Help Me Grow is a broad system of free services and supports for pregnant women, caregivers with new babies, and families with young children to the age of three.
These evidence-based programs provide education, support, and advocacy in the following areas.
Help Me Grow Pregnancy and Parenting Home Visiting is a voluntary family support program for pregnant women or new parents. Offered in every county of the state through a well-established network, Help Me Grow is an evidence-based program that promotes health growth and development for babies and young children.
Pregnancy and Parenting Home Visiting works by having specially trained nurses, social workers, and teachers regularly visit moms-to-be early in the pregnancy, continuing through the child’s third birthday. Mothers, babies, families and communities all benefit.
Help Me Grow Early Intervention supports families of young children birth to age three with developmental delays and disabilities. These services are typically provided in the home or other places the family spends time and builds on their ability to enhance the child’s learning and development.
Marjorie McLellan, President
Retired Professor of Public and International Affairs
Wright State University
Frank Surico
Amy Cline
Retired; formally Director of Respiratory Services and Sleep Center
Miami Valley Hospital
Rosemary Eustace
Associate Professor of Nursing
Wright State University
Bob Lewis, Past Board President
Leaders for Equality and Action in Dayton (LEAD)
Deborah Dunlop
Mental Health and Vocational Rehabilitation Councilor
JoAnn McCabe
Lead Volunteer, retired Federal Employee
Help Me Grow Brighter Futures
Tastee Smith
Former Client
Help Me Grow Brighter Futures
De’Shawna Yamini, MBA
Operations Manager – Englewood and Huber Heights Regional Centers
Sinclair Community Colleges