Helping connect people to medical & social services needed for a healthy life.

The Dayton Regional Pathways HUB is a free program to help connect people to medical and social services they and their loved ones need most. Every Pathways HUB participant partners with a community health worker to empower them to make decisions regarding their health and well-being. A community health worker connects them to resources and services to manage risks one by one, allowing the participant to take charge and achieve a healthier life.

What is the Pathways HUB?

The Pathways HUB is a nationally certified, evidence-based methodology for identifying and addressing individually modifiable risk factors. It is an outcome-focused, pay-for-performance network for Care Coordination Agencies (CCAs) that hire and train Community Health Workers (CHWs) to reach out to those at greatest risk, identify their barriers, and assure that they are connected to medical, social, and behavioral health services. The Pathways HUB model works to provide positive outcomes to the community using a three-step process: identify the barriers, assign Pathways to provide care, and measure the results of that care.

Each barrier to health that is addressed is known as a “Pathway.” There are 21 Pathways in the HUB model. A Pathways Community HUB improves health, reduces costs, and promotes equity.

The Pathways Community HUB model was created over 20 years ago to specifically address disparities in infant mortality. Today, the Dayton Regional Pathways HUB strives to help low-income women have healthy pregnancies and babies and connects pregnant women to needed medical and social services – including food, housing, transportation, cribs, and diapers. In addition to helping pregnant women, it has expanded to include all other populations in our community.

9 Partner Agencies
60 CHWs Working with Participants
1 Centralized Data System

Core to the Pathways HUB model is partnering throughout the community to do this important work with participants. Interested in learning more? Contact [email protected]

Email Us

Participant Referrals

Our primary focus began by serving pregnant women and those who have recently given birth; however, we recently expanded our clientele to include the elderly population, young adults, and those with substance use disorder, particularly those who are Medicaid-eligible.

Referral sources can include self-referrals or referrals from social service agencies or medical providers.

To make a referral to the Dayton Regional Pathways HUB, please fill out the referral form located on this page and email it to [email protected]. If you have any questions, please call the Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association at 937.424.2372 or email [email protected]

Make A Referral

Care Coordinating Agencies

Community Advisory Council

Chelsea Sadinski

Fetal Infant Mortality Review Supervisor


Dana Boggs

Supervisor, Early Head Start

Help Me Grow Brighter Futures

Daniel Kloepfer

REEP Evaluator

Ohio University

Danielle Ziesloft

Assistance Director, Behavioral Health Services


Dawn Lewis

Supervisor, Healthy Families America

Help Me Grow Brighter Futures

Debra Thomas

Community Engagement Clinical Manager


Erika Ragans

Supervisor, Healthy Families America

Help Me Grow Brighter Futures

Geraldine “Gerri” Pegues

MC Assistant County Administrator – Human Services

Montgomery County Human Services & Planning

Jean de Dieu Mukunzi

Site Lead/Supervisor/CHW/Executive Director

Ebenezer Healthcare Access

Jen Bonifas

Vice President, Program Services


Jen Brauer

Vice President, Program Services

Preschool Promise

Jenae Sosebee

Referral & Outreach Coordinator

Dayton Regional Pathways HUB/GDAHA

Jennifer Wentzel

Health Commissioner

Public Health – Dayton & Montgomery County

Jill Bucaro

Social Worker

Federal Public Defender’s Office

Jocelyn Cooke

Community Health Worker

Dayton Children’s Hospital

Katie Gainey-West

Director of Dayton Regional Pathways HUB

Dayton Regional Pathways HUB/GDAHA

Kelly Geers

Director of Community & Client Relations

Montgomery County Educational Service Center

Kelly Smith

Program Manager, Pregnancy & Parenting Services

Catholic Social Services of Miami Valley

Kimberly Farrier

Director of Treatment & Supportive Services


Lisa Henderson

Vice President of Health Initiatives & HUB Exec. Director

Dayton Regional Pathways HUB/GDAHA

Lynn Foubert

Director, Premier Community Health & Care Management

Premier Health

Michelle Beebe

Manager of Perinatal Outreach

Kettering Health Network

Mindy Schultz

Director, Social Care Services

Dayton Children’s Hospital

Molly Hallock

CBISA Coordinator

Kettering Health Network

Moriah Brown

Manager, Nurse Family Partnership

Help Me Grow Brighter Futures

Nichole Smith

Regional Vice President

East End Community Services

Sarah Hackenbracht

President & CEO


Stephanie Herndon

Home Visitor, Healty Families America

Help Me Grow Brighter Futures

Tawnya Salazar

Community Health Worker

East End Community Services

Tazeen Ahmed

Senior Program Coordinator


Tif Huber


Help Me Grow Brighter Futures

HUB Resources

HUB General Overview Handout
HUB Pregnancy Handout
HUB Pregnant Participant Brochure
HUB Referral Form
Contact Us

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