To better serve patients in emergency and disaster situations we developed Surgenet, an innovative, web-based software used by emergency medical services (EMS) and state agencies.
The Emergency Room Diversion System is used by our member hospitals as well as hospitals in the Cincinnati and Akron regions. The Diversion System lets EMS squads know when a hospital is on diversion and unable to accept new patients due to excessive volume.
The National Disaster Medical System / Hospital Bed Availability is used statewide and offers real-time census information for a number of units, such as intensive care, critical care and psychology. The system allows users to determine where patients can be moved or evacuated in the event of an emergency or disaster.
The Mass Casualty Tracking System is available statewide and allows hospitals to determine the number of patients they can handle in the event of a disaster. Patients are assigned color-codes based on the severity of their injuries. The system provides information on the number of patients in each severity category and whether the hospital can treat them. This ensures patients are sent to the proper facility for timely treatment.
A Resource Tracking System is also available statewide and allows hospitals to track resources needed in the event of an emergency or disaster. This system was used extensively throughout 2009 and 2010 for federal reporting of the H1N1 flu virus.
A Patient Tracking System is available for the tracking of patients in a mass casualty situation from the scene of the event through to the discharge of the patient.